Journal Prompts

 I think everyone should journal, it is one way to reflect on your emotions and improve.

Here are the 2 main prompts I use every day:

1. Daily Emotions: I try to always document my mood of the day, you don't have to write it down in words, you may use your creativity in allowing yourself to describe your emotions for that day. For example by drawing facial expressions or colours based on your emotions for that day.

2. Daily Reflection: Once you have documented your emotions for that day, write down why you feel that way( you must be true to yourself for this part) it is your feelings so don't think of anyone else and just write down how you feel.

These are the main 2 prompts that I use every day but here are some other prompts that I enjoy doing:

1. Dream Journal: I will always write down the dreams I dreamt(if I remember) immediately once I woke up. It is always fun to read back your dreams, it may be funny or weird or maybe it may not even make sense but it is always interesting to read back!

2. Bucket List: I have this list of bucket lists that I would like to do. You should try making a list no matter how crazy your bucket list may be, It is yours! (PS: unless it is actually dangerous)

3. Act of kindness: Take a moment to document an act of kindness that you do on that day or week, it doesn't matter if it is an act towards yourself. It's self-love!

That is all! Hope these prompts make your journalling experience more fun!

Happy Journaling<3


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