How to show yourself love


I'm writing this and in my head, all that I could think of is no one should ever feel this way, no matter what situation they are in. Showing love to yourself should be the first priority and I'm not saying you should always think about yourself first, all I'm saying is to make yourself as important as anyone else that you put before you. 

There are a few things you could do to appreciate yourself:


This is the first thing you should do. Forgive yourself for the things that you may have done wrong in the past. To do that, you should accept your faults and mistakes and apologize if you have to. We are humans and we all make mistakes. All we can do is learn from them and try to do the right. Don't be hard on yourself.


Find time for yourself, take a break from reality, and focus on yourself, just take a moment and think about what you need in your life, after all, life is short. In all the commitments that you have in your life, take a minute and think about what will make you happy and make it a commitment for yourself and practice it every day or make it a hobby. It can be anything, sewing, painting, listening to songs or dance till you're tired(try it!!).


This is the most exciting but scary advice. If you have a car just take it and don't plan a stop and start driving without thinking about anything. Blast your music and sing until you're satisfied or maybe dance if it's safe. Stop if you see anything that excites you by the road, take pictures and make memories. Look back at the pictures that you took and think back on the memories that you make for yourself without anyone's help. 


 Treat yourself to the things that you like. It can be food or shopping or a trip. Save up your money! It doesn't have to be every day or week, it can be once a month whichever makes you comfortable, and take a day for yourself and just have fun. It is the best thing to do to make you happy.

-You deserve everything that makes you happy-


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